352 muertes por la vacuna del papiloma notificadas ante la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos | Blog Miguel Jara

y de regalo:

Si Japón no recomienda las vacunas del papiloma ¿por qué lo hacen el resto? | Blog Miguel Jara

y de regalo:

JCI - Prophylactic human papillomavirus vaccines
The previous section has noted several important unanswered questions that make it difficult to predict the actual impact of a vaccine on HPV infection and disease. However, it is possible to give some estimates if it is assumed [dar por cierto algo, sin pruebas] that the vaccine will provide at least 90% type-specific efficacy, with boosters as necessary to ensure that this protection is of long duration. Under those circumstances, the greatest short-term impact in industrialized nations such as the United States would be a reduction in the overall number of CIN2+ cases to about one-third to one-half as many such lesions in vaccinated women compared with nonvaccinated women, given that HPV16 and HPV18 together account for 60–70% of such lesions.

The anticipated eventual reduction in the incidence of cervical cancers and its consequences would be anticipated to be at least as great. If the vaccine were widely administered to populations that historically are less likely to be screened regularly, the vaccine could [podría.. o no] prevent most of those serious infections that currently are not detected because of a lack of screening (49). The impact on subclinical and low-grade dysplasias would be expected to be more modest, as only a minority of these infections are attributable to HPV16 and HPV18 (or to HPV6/11/16/18, when considering the quadrivalent Merck vaccine infection) (50).

Although these anticipated [previsto] reductions in CIN2+ and invasive cervical cancer would be impressive, it must be noted that there would still be many serious HPV infections against which the vaccine would not protect. For this reason, it will be essential to educate health care providers and patients about this limitation of the vaccine and to emphasize that it will be necessary for vaccinated women to follow current cervical cancer screening guidelines [te vacunas, pero luego tienes que seguir los mismos programas de prevención]


What are the limits of adjuvanticity?

IRIS Research Center, Chiron SpA, Via Fiorentina 1, 53100, Siena, Italy.

“…It is known that, in many instances, antigen-specific antibody titers do not correlate with protection. In addition, very little is known on parameters of cell-mediated immunity which could be considered as surrogates of protection….”
Se sabe que los títulos de anticuerpos especificos usados como medida de eficacia no siempre significan protección. Tampoco se sabe qué parametro inmunológico podría servir de “atajo” (sustutuir a un ensayo clínico) para determinar la capacidad de protección.

El estudio sigue reconociendo ignorancia absoluta sobre la eficacia de las vacunas:
“… immunological correlates of protection are largely unknown for many infectious diseases… the immunological mechanisms of vaccine-induced protection remain unknown… whenever correlates of protection have been proposed, they only refer to serum antibody titers… there is complete lack of any parameter of cellular-mediated immunity known to correlate with protection… it is crucial to extend studies in the attempt to define correlates of protection for the most important vaccine targets… “
- Parámetro inmunologico indicador de protección: DESCONOCIDO,
– Mecanismo de protección de las vacunas: DESCONOCIDO,
– FALTA ABSOLUTA de parámetros celulares indicadores de protección,
– HAY QUE INTENTAR definir indicadores de protección para las vacunas mas importantes.

y de regalo: a más vacunas más mortalidad infantil:
Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?

muy buena la vacuna..

352 muertes por la vacuna del papiloma notificadas ante la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos | Blog Miguel Jara

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